Is This What “End of Your Rope” Feels Like?
This is a picture of Josiah looking at Justine as she sits in her swing. Let me tell you about it. The days have been hard in the Trumpower house. On Justine’s first night here, she slept in the Pack’n’Play in our room. Rotating through her care schedule every three...
3 Trumpowers Home, 1 to Go
JUSTINE IS HOME!!!! It feels surreal but we are loving it. Unfortunately, Jayce wasn’t quite ready to come. He had another ultrasound this morning for his liver. The docs don’t have the blood panel results yet. They need it before they can make their final decision...
One Month of Life Update, Part 2: Jayce PM Addition
I'm writing Part Two for today's update because it would be easy for misinformation to spread by word of mouth. Especially if someone gave you a verbal summary of today's update, you will want to read all the way to the end. 🙂 We haven't made it to the hospital yet...
One Month of Life Update: Bath Time, Procedure, and Progress
Today, the kids have been with us for one month. It doesn't seem possible. Our abrupt transition out of pregnancy during the general craziness of the holidays, combined with the melting together of time that happens when you trek out to the hospital every day, has...
Day of Life 26: Happy Tears
Today, I think I cried happy tears for the first time since the kids arrived. I’m not sure why. (Welcome to the female mind.) I was putting away some things in the kids’ bedroom, which Mom helped me finish setting up this week. With the decorations on the wall, it...
Day of Life 24: I Guess We’ll All Be Home Eventually
No update for a while because things seem to change every 24 hours. Yesterday, Justine was diagnosed with a UTI. I guess she thought it looked like fun. It explains why she has been unable to keep her temperature stable over the last few days. While they are treating...
Day of Life 19: Justine Homecoming Delayed Again
Well, she did it again. Justine had another breathing incident at 6 am. THE DAY SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO COME HOME. The clock is reset for another five-day period. Earliest homecoming day is now Wednesday. Frowny faces all around. Jayce is chugging along, practicing his...
Day of Life 18: Justine Homecoming Delayed
Justine had a breathing incident shortly after the doctors gave her the green light to come home tomorrow. Hospital policy says patients need to go five days without having an incident before release. Today is Day 0, so provided she doesn’t do this again, earliest...
Day of Life 17: Justine Homecoming
This will be quick. I have a lot to do... When I started drafting this update several days ago, the big news was that Justine graduated out of her isolette box! She can regulate her own body temperature, so the nurses put her in a normal crib. Like, a totally normal...
Day 14 of Life: Two Weeks Old, Back on IV
I am not a fan of today's news. We received a phone call yesterday evening from the nurse practitioner. Jayce has a urinary tract infection. To treat it quickly with antibiotics, they had to put his IV back in. He should immediately feel better once the antibiotics...