Amanda Trumpower
Writer for Jesus lovers who dig dragons, detectives, and droids
Collar Cases
ages 7-12
Power Pup
ages 9-13
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We understand! That’s why the audiobooks and ebooks of Collar Cases #1 and Power Pup #1 are free!

We’re pretty sure you’ll love them, but let’s have your kids decide.
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Recent Posts
Middle Grade Spotlight: The Un-Extraordinary Life of Sophie Simpleton by P.G. James
Meet P.G. James, author of The Un-Extraordinary Life of Sophie Simpleton for kids who have been bullied or shunned.
Middle Grade Spotlight: Isabel’s Secret by Jan May
Meet Jan May, author of Isabel’s Secret, a book to encourage kids to reach up to God for everything they need.
Chapter Book Spotlight: Lucky Luke’s Adventures by Kevin Lovegreen
Meet Kevin Lovegreen, author of the Lucky Luke’s Adventures series for kids who love the outdoors, animals, hunting, and fishing.
Chapter Book Spotlight: Character Club Lil Sibs by Allie Slocum
Meet Allie Slocum, author of the Character Club Lil Sibs series for impatient, dog-loving, mystery-solving, hard-to-teach kids.
Middle Grade Spotlight: Hilt and Arrow by Jared Acuña
Meet Jared Acuña, author of the Hilt and Arrow series for historical fiction readers ages 8 to 12.