Just a #TwinMom Trying to Stay Sane…

Just a #TwinMom Trying to Stay Sane…

I’ve decided I need the title above as a bumper sticker. Or a t-shirt. Or possibly both. My brother is famous for gifting funny and/or significant-for-your-current-stage-of-life t-shirts at Christmas. Maybe he can work his magic for me this year. The world has...

Oh Baby…I Mean Toddler

I think it’s official. Justine has well and truly crossed over the baby/toddler dividing line. Last Saturday, we hosted friends from Columbus for the day. As the chaos of kids played in the living room, my friend watched Justine toddle around the furniture....
Another Exciting Evening for Jayce

Another Exciting Evening for Jayce

Yesterday evening, my parents were babysitting for us during date night. About an hour after bedtime, Jayce woke making an odd noise. Dad checked on him. Jayce was acting weird. His eyes were open and he was breathing, but my mom said he was not responding to auditory...
Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward

We are almost at the end of 2020’s first month. We are also nearing the end of month two in our new house, plus the end of the first month with the twins after reaching the one year mark. I’m so thankful to have my writing routine established now that we...
Favorite Mom Things

Favorite Mom Things

The twins are officially one year old and growing! Things we are dealing with at the moment are increased interest in taking each other’s toys, independent wills but little communication skills, diminishing containment options for me to use when I need to be...