Jayce News Tomorrow

Jayce News Tomorrow

This is a brief update to say there is no update. Jayce had his biopsy today. It went well. He was in a lot of pain afterwards until they adjusted his meds. I’m going to not dwell on that. The results should be in the doctors’ hands tomorrow. We were told they would...
Jayce News Tomorrow

Sleep & Sanity

Did you know babies sometimes sleep through the night?!?! As of this morning, we do!! Last night was our first good night since bringing Justine home! Except for the time it took to finish her bottle, she slept through the night! THIS HAPPENS? It’s been great having...
Is This What “End of Your Rope” Feels Like?

3 Trumpowers Home, 1 to Go

JUSTINE IS HOME!!!! It feels surreal but we are loving it. Unfortunately, Jayce wasn’t quite ready to come. He had another ultrasound this morning for his liver. The docs don’t have the blood panel results yet. They need it before they can make their final decision...