by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 26, 2019 | Twin Mom
Yesterday was the storm clouds, but today we got some sun. Thanks to our sitters and the break they gave us, we went into the evening with a little bit of sleep and more importantly, a fresh slate away from the crying. The parental Stress-O-Meters sat at a luxurious 1...
by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 25, 2019 | Twin Mom
“Sleep when they baby sleeps.” “It will pass.” “They’re only this age once. Enjoy it.” “If you get frustrated, put the baby down and take a break.” This is some of the advice we’ve heard in the last month. Well-intentioned. Factually correct. Spoken by people who have...
by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 21, 2019 | Twin Mom
Dear Diary: It has come to my attention that certain persons are distributing unauthorized memoirs of my life to the masses. Of course my exploits are numerous and fascinating, but I object to my heretofore limited editorial power. Thus, I have decided to set the...
by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 12, 2019 | Twin Mom
Our first picture as a family of four Jayce has been home for about two weeks. Justine, a week longer. I am shocked to see how many days the calendar thinks it’s been. With as little as we are sleeping, we live about three days for every set of 24 hours. We have...
by Amanda Trumpower | Jan 31, 2019 | From Hospital to Home
We got great news today! Jayce will not need surgery. He doesn’t have the bad liver disease. The biopsy indicated his liver is not normal, but definitely does not need surgery. In fact, the nurse practitioner we (finally) spoke with this evening thinks it’s...