by Amanda Trumpower | Mar 8, 2019 | Twin Mom
I generally wait a day before sharing some of our darker highlights to avoid any risk of melodrama. This isn’t so much one coherent narrative as it as a Nutri-Bullet blend of ups, downs, stress. What feels like four weeks of life squashed and puréed into about six...
by Amanda Trumpower | Mar 5, 2019 | Twin Mom
Thursday, February 28th, 2019 – Evening I write to report yet more grievances committed against my person. After being bundled into the horrid chair with restraining straps, my brother and I were carted off to an examination by our primary physician. We suffered...
by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 26, 2019 | Twin Mom
Yesterday was the storm clouds, but today we got some sun. Thanks to our sitters and the break they gave us, we went into the evening with a little bit of sleep and more importantly, a fresh slate away from the crying. The parental Stress-O-Meters sat at a luxurious 1...
by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 25, 2019 | Twin Mom
“Sleep when they baby sleeps.” “It will pass.” “They’re only this age once. Enjoy it.” “If you get frustrated, put the baby down and take a break.” This is some of the advice we’ve heard in the last month. Well-intentioned. Factually correct. Spoken by people who have...