Day two of our convalescence in my parents’ condo has begun. A huge shout out to them for rearranging their home, closets, and daily routine to make space for our 2-3 week invasion.

Moving Day Part 1 is in the books. Family from both sides and several friends swarmed our Columbus house on Saturday. In approximately four hours, we gutted the house of all furniture and boxes. 90% of our worldly possessions are stuffed in the moving pod. (Hats off to Dad Trumpower’s masterful stacking abilities). The remaining percent is clustered in the Trumpower parent basement.

To our friends: Public shout out to both the guys who helped us move, and the wives who covered for them at home to make it possible. Now that I have my own little kids, I know what it costs a mom for the dad to be gone on the weekend. I appreciate you!

Jayce is currently taking a legit nap for the first time in I think three days. For the record, I strongly discourage moving on the same weekend as time change if there are small humans involved. Both the twins are off their groove. I will be relieved when bedtime has adjusted to the new 6 pm.

My senior cat probably thinks I am trying to kill her with stress. She watched strangers clomp around the house in heavy shoes, removing all the good furniture for hiding under. I stuffed her into a carrier for two hours. She received her first bath in 5+ years upon leaving the cat carrier because she smelled so bad, and when that didn’t do the trick, she endured a butt shaving. She thinks she got a raw deal, but I’m sure my mom who performed the butt shaving while I held the cat in place would disagree.

Less than 21 days until we take possession of our new house! Three days until my knee surgery! Both those sentences have exclamation points for different reasons!

I was hoping to maintain sanity during my recovery by getting lots of writing done. My intuition is telling me that I will be involved in twin childcare just enough to prevent super productive writing time, while not enough to contribute much help.

Josiah and I realized we’ve only been in our new house once for a grand total of thirty minutes. Those thirty minutes triggered us to pack nine million boxes, say goodbye to friends, and move to a new city. At least no one can say we’re not go-getters!

It’s been a long time since I’ve had the geographical opportunity to be around my origin family as a part of day to day life. We’re excited to be near them and SO excited to get our new house! …Maybe a little less excited about the number of boxes waiting to be unpacked.