by Amanda Trumpower | May 3, 2019 | Twin Mom
Practice going out early. We were advised by another twin parent to make ourselves go out sooner rather than later. I second this. The longer you put it off, the more impossible it will seem. The most difficult part of running errands with baby twins is managing the...
by Amanda Trumpower | Apr 23, 2019 | Twin Mom
So. Your first time parenting is a BOGO experience? Stay strong, comrades. The road ahead is rough but rewarding. Here’s a list of tips, survival strategies, and things to think about as you enter the world of outnumbered parenthood. Where We’re Coming...
by Amanda Trumpower | Mar 13, 2019 | Twin Mom
After much anticipation, I am excited to share that while Justine and I were laying on the floor playing, she graced me with her first smile! Which I missed. Because I had my eyes closed. Darn! Other things she’s started to do: look around with interest, study...
by Amanda Trumpower | Mar 8, 2019 | Twin Mom
I generally wait a day before sharing some of our darker highlights to avoid any risk of melodrama. This isn’t so much one coherent narrative as it as a Nutri-Bullet blend of ups, downs, stress. What feels like four weeks of life squashed and puréed into about six...
by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 25, 2019 | Twin Mom
“Sleep when they baby sleeps.” “It will pass.” “They’re only this age once. Enjoy it.” “If you get frustrated, put the baby down and take a break.” This is some of the advice we’ve heard in the last month. Well-intentioned. Factually correct. Spoken by people who have...