by Amanda Trumpower | Mar 13, 2019 | Twin Mom
After much anticipation, I am excited to share that while Justine and I were laying on the floor playing, she graced me with her first smile! Which I missed. Because I had my eyes closed. Darn! Other things she’s started to do: look around with interest, study...
by Amanda Trumpower | Feb 26, 2019 | Twin Mom
Yesterday was the storm clouds, but today we got some sun. Thanks to our sitters and the break they gave us, we went into the evening with a little bit of sleep and more importantly, a fresh slate away from the crying. The parental Stress-O-Meters sat at a luxurious 1...
by Amanda Trumpower | Jan 19, 2019 | From Hospital to Home
Today, I think I cried happy tears for the first time since the kids arrived. I’m not sure why. (Welcome to the female mind.) I was putting away some things in the kids’ bedroom, which Mom helped me finish setting up this week. With the decorations on the wall, it...