Tell us about yourself!
I am passionate about reading, specifically reading to children. So, naturally, my writing journey was sparked by the idea of a series of books that could be read aloud to my own children and enjoyed by parents and children around the world.
I find time to write during naptime and bedtime, working around the schedules of my husband and four kids.
I have a degree in Communications, over a decade of parenting experience, and a big black dog named Ren.
Tell us about your chapter books.
The King Kids Series is full of fun family moments, funny and real sibling interactions, and problems to be solved.
These books are targeted to elementary school age kids, especially those in second to fifth grade. They are about a family that loves each other and works together to solve a mystery.
They are fantastic read-aloud books. My own five-year-old sat through the whole first book and asked for the next one!
What kind of child are you trying to reach with your books?
Elementary age mystery fans! Especially those in first through fifth grade.
Give us a little flavor of some great characters or the setting.
John (age nine) loves math and science. He also created Robo Ren. Do you have a math or science lover? They’d love these books! (Especially The King Kids and the Missing Pen and The King Kids and the Malfunctioning Mess.)
Tyson (age seven) loves tae kwon do, jokes, and his twin sister Afton. If your kids love dad jokes, they’ll love these books! (Especially The King Kids and the Tossed Tooth and The King Kids and the Missing Pilot.)
Afton (age seven) loves flower and animals. She’s very sensitive to loud noises. If you have a child that is neurodivergent or loves nature, they will love this series! (Especially The King Kids and the Disappearing Daffodils.)
Robo Ren was created by John and Dad to help Mom around the house. He is comedic relief and sometimes the cause of problems that need to be solved. Kids love his antics and funny compliments like, “Your feet smell like grilled cheese!”
Alyvia (age one) is a sweet, cute troublemaker.
Mom and Dad are photographers and are very loving and involved in their kids’ lives. The King Kids family is full of love, laughter, and problem-solving together.
What inspired you to write this series?
The inspiration for the King Kids Series came from my own little familly. I have four kids, and a lot of the small stories you’ll find in the series are real.
Yes, I have a kid that tried to hide his broccoli under a napkin at dinner time. Yes, I have a toddler that really finger-painted with butter on the oven. Yes, as a kid, I lost my tooth at school. Yes, Smelly Nelly was a real goat, that really like to pick on my husband!
It is fun to take some of these real family moments and share them with others.
Another reason I was inspired to write these books when the idea hit was because I feel like the world need more books that are family-friendly, entertaining to parents as well as kids, and void of any and all political messages. Let’s let kids be kids.
How did you know you wanted to be an author?
I love reading to my kids. I spend hours every week reading everything from Harry Potter, to The Chronicles of Narnia, to The Magic Treehouse, and on and on!
I’ve worked with and around authors for the past few years. One day my little brother asked, “Would you ever write your own book?”
I laughed and said something along the lines of, “If I did, it would be a kids book, one that my kids could read.”
I think that is when the idea was planted. It grew from there, and I can happily say I haven’t regretted it once!
What’s one chapter book you always recommend?
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
What advice do you have for aspiring writers?
Don’t be afraid to take the next step!
A lot of aspiring authors get stuck in either the writing or the editing phase. Sometimes they get stuck in the dreaming phase. Just take the leap!
Also, find an amazing illustrator to work with!
What formats are your books available in?
- Paperback
- Ebook
- Audiobook
Find them all here.
What’s next?
Dragon for Dinner will be releasing beginning of September. This is the first in a new series geared toward fourth through seventh grade readers!
There will also be four more King Kids books before the end of the year. The most recent release is The King Kids and the Missing Pilot.

How can parents find you?
You can find me on my website,, where you can sign up for my newsletter to get free coloring pages.
My books are available on Amazon.