Connecting Parents to Clean Chapter Books
I used to believe all chapter books for children ages 6-9 were clean.
Everyone believes sex, sexualized behavior, violence, or inflicting harm on one’s body are inappropriate topics for young children.
Sadly, secular children’s entertainment has demonstrated the definitions for inappropriate content has changed.
These days, it takes a little more work to find good entertainment for your kids.
I know. At the time of this writing, my twins are ripe targets for preschool TV shows pushing themes of racial injustice, gay parents, and gender-fluid characters.
With this blog series, I hope to save you some work by sharing the results of my own research efforts. Below, you’ll find a list of clean reads for your chapter book readers.
Does Not Contain
All authors have consented that their books contain no . . .
- language that would constitute swear words on network television
- gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender content
- references to quasi-spiritual activities which could be carried out in a way that opposes the Bible (meditation, clearing your mind, envisioning your future, believing in karma)
Might Contain
Many of the books on this list are written by authors who identify as Christians, but not all.
A Note About Fantasy & Magic
Please note: Books containing heavy fantasy and magical elements are beloved in our household and therefore will appear on this list. Some books may even contain vocabulary such as witch, wizard, spell, or casting.
While I understand (and respect) families who draw a boundary here, I personally feel it’s simply a matter of genre set dressing. You can’t have sci-fi without spaceships, Westerns without cowboys . . . or fantasy without magic.
I will not recommend a book if a story goes out of its way to focus on real-life pagan religious procedures.
Exercise your family’s guidelines as you see fit.
Happy reading!
We also have a Middle Grade Spotlight which follows similar guidelines.
P.S. If you encounter something in a book that goes against my posted guidelines above, please email me at amanda@jtrumpower.com.
Chapter Book Spotlight: Lucky Luke’s Adventures by Kevin Lovegreen
Meet Kevin Lovegreen, author of the Lucky Luke’s Adventures series for kids who love the outdoors, animals, hunting, and fishing.
Chapter Book Spotlight: Character Club Lil Sibs by Allie Slocum
Meet Allie Slocum, author of the Character Club Lil Sibs series for impatient, dog-loving, mystery-solving, hard-to-teach kids.
Chapter Book Spotlight: Who What Why Series by Danika Cooley
Meet Danika Cooley, author of the Who What Why series for inquisitive 8 to 12-year-olds.
Chapter Book Spotlight: The Imagination Station Series by Marianne Hering
Meet Marianne Hering, author of The Imagination Station series for kids who love learning about history and the Bible.
Chapter Book Spotlight: The Choose Your Journey Series by Elizabeth Raum
Meet Elizabeth Raum, author of the Cross Your Journey Series for any young reader who wants to know more about Jesus and the times in which he lived.
Chapter Book Spotlight: The King Kids Series by Sheree Elaine
Meet Sheree Elaine, author of the King Kids Series for elementary age mystery fans.